
Turnaj Mezinárodní

Datum konání:10. 09. 2024 (Út) - 12. 09. 2024 (Čt)
Druh turnaje:MM Maďarska

Odkaz na:Propozice, příp. výsledky turnaje

Adresa místa konání:
8087 Alcsútdoboz, Hungary

Odkaz na stránku hřiště Pannonia


Take the M1 Motorway Budapest to Vienna and then take the Biatorbágy exit.
After about 2 kms from the main road (opposite Rynart Transport warehouse), turn left after travelling over a bridge in the direction of Biatorbágy. In the centre of Biatorbágy turn left towards Etyek. After about 1.5 kms turn right at a fork towards Etyek. Drive through Etyek and directly to Alcsútdoboz.
The Clubhouse is situated on the left-hand side of the road shortly before the village of Alcsútdoboz.


M1 Motorway Vienna to Budapest until exit Bicske (at 39 km sign). After the exit turn right towards Tatabánya. After about 3 kms in the direction of Székesfehérvár and Felcsút turn left. Drive through Felcsút towards Alcsútdoboz. When in Alcsútdoboz turn left in the direction of Etyek. The Clubhouse will be directly ahead after about 1 km.

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